JIMTOF 2024 : Technologies passed down to the future offers unlimited possibilities



What is JIMTOF 2024?


JIMTOF 2024 (The 32nd Japan International Machine Tool Fair), one of the largest machine tool exhibitions in the world that is organized by the Japan Machine Builders’ Association and Tokyo Big Sight, Inc., will be held at Tokyo Big Sight (Tokyo International Exhibition Center) for six days from November 5 (Tue.) to 10 (Sun.), 2024. The theme of the six-day exhibition is “Technologies passed down to the future offers unlimited possibilities”.





JIMTOF 2024, which will be held for the 32nd time, will be the largest ever in terms of both the number of exhibitors and booths. 1,262 companies from 19 countries and regions around the world will exhibit at 5,743 event booths. The number of visitors is expected to be approximately 130,000 visitors more than the number of visitors in JIMTOF 2022. In addition to these exhibits, JIMTOF 2024 will also feature lectures, seminars, and special exhibits on various themes throughout the exhibition period so as to respond to the high level of interest in machine tools among visitors.


JIMTOF 2024 will introduce the latest products and technologies of participating companies from a wide range of products, including Metal Cutting Machine Tools, Metal Forming Machine Tools, Machine Tool Accessories, Tools for Machines (cutting tools & wear-resistant tools), Diamond and CBN Tools, Grinding Wheels and Abrasives, Gears and Gear Devices, Oil Hydraulic, Pneumatic and Water Hydraulic Machinery, Precision Measuring Machines and Instruments, Optical Measuring Instruments, Testing Machinery and Control Equipment and related software (CAD, CAM, etc.).





JIMTOF 2024 will set up the special exhibition “Additive Manufacturing Area in JIMTOF 2024” in the South Exhibition Hall area, where innovative products and technologies related to Additive Manufacturing (AM) and 3D printer-related products and technologies, which are attracting attention as innovative technologies in the manufacturing industry. A special seminar venue will be set up in the area where 53 exhibitors will introduce their latest products, cutting-edge technologies and solutions every day.


In addition to a variety of seminars, JIMTOF 2024 will feature a new “Academic Area” as a parallel event. In the Academic Area, there will be a “Career Matching Square” where students can directly interact with the general managers and human resources staff of exhibiting companies. The “Academic Area” will feature a “Career Matching Square” where students can interact directly with general managers and personnel from exhibiting companies, IMEC (International Machine Tool Engineers Conference), and a “Special Exhibit” where university and technical college students, who will lead the next generation, can deepen their knowledge of the machine tool industry. In addition, information dissemination services on the official website, such as the YouTube channel “JIMTOF INSIGHTS” and the online catalog function, will be expanded to attract visitors and activate business negotiations.





Highlights of JIMTOF 2024


JIMTOF 2024 will be held on the largest scale ever, utilizing the entire Tokyo Big Sight with a total of 5,743 booths from 1,262 exhibitors. In addition, an “Academic Area” will be newly established in the South Hall 4 as a place for direct communications between students interested in the manufacturing industry and exhibitors. Following JIMTOF 2022, a special parallel exhibition, “Additive Manufacturing Area in JIMTOF 2024,” will be held on the first floor of the South Exhibition Hall.


Furthermore, with the aim of communicating JIMTOF 2024 to the world, the YouTube site “JIMTOF INSIGHTS” (https://www.youtube.com/@JIMTOF-INSIGHTS), which covers a wide range of topics related to manufacturing, mainly in the machine tool industry JIMTOF INSIGHTS is now open to the public. In addition to attracting visitors to JIMTOF, we aim to raise awareness of the event among students, who will lead the next generation of the manufacturing industry. During JIMTOF 2024, a project linked to the video content will be held on the multi-purpose stage in the Academic Area.


JIMTOF 2022 attracted 114,158 visitors, making it the first real JIMTOF in four years, despite the limited number of visitors due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, we were pleased to have a large number of companies actively exhibiting to attract new customers and promote their companies, as well as to engage in lively business discussions with visitors. At JIMTOF 2024, these restrictions will be relaxed, and we expect even more visitors to attend.


On the other hand, machine tool orders received in FY2023 amounted to 1,453.1 billion yen, down 14.8% from the previous year, only the 8th highest level ever, but there are high expectations for a rebound from the second half of 2024.


In the domestic market, which is the main target of JIMTOF, the demand for machine tools is generally firm, including the need for automation in response to the labor shortage.


With the 1.5 trillion yen level in sight for the current fiscal year, the upcoming JIMTOF is highly anticipated as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that will contribute to further stimulating domestic capital investment.


To capture this business opportunity, 98 JAMA member companies will exhibit at JIMTOF 2024, and more than half of them are expected to showcase their new products for the first time in the world.


Under the theme of “Technologies passed down to the future offers unlimited possibilities,” all exhibitors will showcase their latest machine tools and cutting-edge technologies at JIMTOF.





Based on the recent technological trends, we expect to see the following key trends of the exhibits at JIMTOF 2024.


Progress in Kotozukuri


Currently, the manufacturing industry is promoting initiatives based on keywords such as “Digital,” “Green,” and “Resilience,” and there is a growing trend to provide services that improve productivity and efficiency through the use of these machines, rather than simply selling the machines themselves. At this year’s JIMTOF 2024, we expect to propose and exhibit comprehensive solutions that include not only conventional Monozukuri but also Kotozukuri


Approaches on Expanding the Use of Digital Technologies and Decarbonizing and Saving Energy


In recent years, with the improvement of simulation technology, we have seen case study of technology that digitally reproduces machine characteristics to predict the machined surface of a workpiece, automatically calculates machining time and manufacturing costs by utilizing 3D models on a simulation, and estimates power consumption and CO2 emissions.


In addition, the use of sensors for advanced monitoring of machine conditions, idling of peripheral equipment, and optimum control of coolant flow, among other efforts to curb CO2 emissions, are also in progress. At JIMTOF 2024, it is expected that further progress will be made in the use of these digital technologies and energy-saving measures, and new initiatives to improve productivity will be the focus of much attention.


Use of Robots to Support Automation and Labor Savings


The entire manufacturing industry is facing an urgent issue of how to respond to the shortage of labor due to the decline in the working population. At the most recent EMO and IMTS exhibitions, there were many initiatives to support automation and manpower saving by utilizing cooperative robots and AGVs, and this trend is expected to continue at JIMTOF.


The use of robots is expected to further expand, not only in loading and unloading of workpieces, but also in some processes of machining, cleaning, and measurement, as well as in cases where robots contribute to stable production by operating in combination with automatic program correction devices that use image sensors.


Advancement of Additive Manufacturing (AM) Technology


The advancement of AM technology is expanding the range of products from prototypes to actual products and from conventional manufacturing processes to processes that achieve higher functionality and lighter weight through AM especially for molds and medical parts.


Recently, exhibits have included not only stand-alone AM machines but also system solutions that include both front-end and back-end processes, such as simpler support removal after molding, as well as examples of applications to large components.


At JIMTOF 2024, a special “Additive Manufacturing Area” will be set up in the South Exhibition Hall, as in previous years, with 192 booths from 53 companies. A “Special Seminar Room” will be set up in the exhibition hall, where seminars by AM-related experts and domestic AM-related organizations are scheduled to be held during the exhibition period (https://jimtof.org/jp/evt AM.html).


Press Conference Overseas Media


In the JIMTOF 2024 event at Tokyo Big Sight Tower, there was a press conference from the organizer of Japan Machine Tool Builders’ Association, in which Mr. Yoshiharu INABA, Chairman of Japan Machine Tool Builders’ Association (JMTBA), and Mr. Kazuo YUHARA, President of JMTBA, gave an overview of the machine tool market and trends in the Japanese machine technology, while Mr. Kazuharu IWASE, Executive Vice President & CEO, Tokyo Big Sight Inc., spoke about the readiness on the organization of JIMTOF 2024.





“JIMTOF 2024 is the largest machine tool industry exhibition in Japan which is recognized worldwide. It will be a showcase of the machine tools from Japanese manufacturers to present their technologies and innovations as well as the future industrial trends to the event visiting industrialists. It is expected that tens of thousands of visitors from both domestic and international countries will attend the event. As for the highlights of the event, visitors will be able to see new models of machinery from each of Japan’s leading brands, as well as technological trends in the manufacturing industry whether it is the intelligent automation, digital systems, or IoT including AI systems.”


“Respective to the Japanese current economic situation, its GDP (from April to June 2024) has grown by 0.7% from the previous quarter (annual rate: +2.9%). The driving factors are the automotive industry in which the transportation is resumed once again after a temporary halt, and the increased personal consumption such as air conditioners, smartphones, etc., while the investment is at +0.8% in the same period. With the high corporate profits, investment to solve labor shortages and digital transformation, and the monetary GDP growth rate (for the same quarter) which is increased by 1.8% from the previous quarter (annual rate: +7.2%), high prices and wage increases, monetary GDP has been pushed to be higher. It is expected that the annual value will exceed 600 trillion Yen for the first time. The outlook and risks (according to the Monthly Economic Report (September) found that the employment and income environment has improved, and various policies are effective, so, gradual economic recovery is ongoing. Thus, it is expected that the investment will continue to recover likewise. But we must be careful about risks such as continued high interest rates in the United States and Europe as well as the impact from China’s economic structural recession, soaring prices, situation in the Middle East and sudden fluctuations in the money market,” said Mr. Yoshiharu INABA, Chairman of the Japan Machine Tool Builders’ Association (JMTBA).


Regarding the total orders for machine tools in Japan and the outlook for the industrial machinery market, Mr. Kazuo YUHARA, President of JMTBA said, based on the report, that the total orders for January to September 2024 were 1.10014 trillion Yen (YoY -2.8%), being the domestic demand of 333.85 billion Yen (10.3%) and foreign demand of 766.29 billion Yen (+0.9%). In particular, the total orders were the result of the cumulative orders from January to September which exceeded 1.11 trillion Yen for the fourth consecutive year, marking the second consecutive year of decline, including the overseas demand which accounted for 69.7%, marking the second consecutive year that this figure had soared up (January-September 2021: 67.6%).





Whereon the domestic demand, the January-September totals were below 350 billion Yen for the first time in four years, the YoY rate of decrease for the second consecutive year. Among the major industries, only the machinery for the aerospace, shipbuilding and transportation industries had accounted for the increase while molds in the “general machinery” category fell sharply by -44.9%. The two sectors with the highest demand for semiconductor manufacturing equipment and automotive-related equipment recovered more slowly than initially expected. While the total overseas demand for the January-September fell below 800 billion Yen for the second consecutive year (over 750 billion Yen for the third consecutive year). The YoY rate slightly increased for the first time in two years, and that among the three major markets, only Asia saw a YoY increase consequently as a result of the increases in China from early Spring to Summer and a strong Indian market. North America’s rate had fallen for the second consecutive year due to factors such as high interest rates and the U.S. presidential election, the decline in the purchase orders in the aerospace industry, etc. Since Summer, demands in Europe, centered in Germany, had weakened. High energy prices, low exports and consumption, weak sales of electric vehicles, and other factors were all the causes of the drops in such demands.